About us

FQ is a company, founded in 1984, markedly oriented since its inception to offer maximum professionalism and rigor in the products and processes we develop.

Our specialization and knowledge allows us to offer hardware and software. We advise clients at the beginning of each project, we supply products or systems and, all of this, supported through a local guarantee and a technical after-sales service.

The main areas of our specialization are:

  • Identification systems with plastic card (magnetic stripe and chip).
  •  Identification systems with ticket.
  • Identification systems based on RFID
  • Thermal printing systems.
  • Keyboards and systems of industrial pointers.
  • Low power radio RF modules.
  • Relays and high security hermetic switches.
  • Magnetic read / write heads

For this, we rely on the best international firms of each specialty, supplying the products and combining them with our own hardware and software developments.

Finally and to ensure that all the activity of the company, ie products, processes and services are in accordance with the expectations of customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders, the company is governed according to ISO9001 / 2015

Visit our website for more information (for English use Google Translator)

Specialized hardware and engineering solutions

Tell us about your project. We will love to help you.

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